
Home works, project works, weekly/unit tests and semester exams are means of assessment that show growth of the student as well as reveal the areas of weakness. Parents and students are expected to give due seriousness to them as they form integral part of the teaching learning programme.

  • Under no circumstances can any arrangement be made to hold any examination before or after the dates as laid down by the school management.
  • Any use of unfair means and/or receiving or giving assistance in any form during a Test or an Examination (detected during or subsequently) or tampering with the evaluated answer papers in any way, or altering the report card, etc. will be punishable at the discretion of the school authorities. Any student detected using any unfair means will be debarred from continuing the examination and the respective examination will be cancelled which will affect his/her final promotion. In such cases the parents will be called immediately and suitable punishment may be given. In serious and repeated cases, the student will be asked to leave the school altogether.
  • All students need to get the admit card for appearing in any of the exams. Admit card will be issued only after fulfilling the requirements of that term/quarter like projects and homework, etc. and after the payment of fees up to that term/quarter.
  • After every first and second terminal examination the parents are invited to see the answer sheets of their wards and to interact with the class teacher and subject teachers and to take the report card. The parent/guardian of every student is expected to come on these assigned dates. Signing and taking the report card/result of each semester is necessary for the student's continuation in the next semester.
  • Promotion of students from one standard to another will be made at the end of the school academic year on the basis of the year's record of work along with the average of the exams held during the whole year. Regular attendance and steady work, therefore, will be conditions for promotion.
  • To pass in a subject a student of ICSE Board should secure minimum of 35% of marks in a subject and for students of Bihar Board 30% marks .
  • Any student who has less than 75% of attendance during the academic year shall be disqualified for promotion.
  • Promotion from Class VIII to class IX and from IX to X will be strictly based on eligibility. Those who fail to secure the minimum required marks in more than one subject, will not be enrolled in class IX and will not be promoted from class IX to class X. For the students of ICSE, passing in English is compulsory for promotion in these classes.
  • Those who fail in more than one subject and in English in class VIII will be issued a completion certificate from the school.
  • The results declared at the end of the year are final and cannot be reconsidered.
  • A student who repeats consecutively, twice in the same standard will not be permitted to continue his/her studies in the school.
  • No re test/reexamination is held for a student who fails to appear for the test/examination. Such an absence without a grave reason and without the approval of the Principal implies incompletion and will require the student to repeat to complete the studies.
  • Absence from a test/examination implies total loss of marks for those subjects and excludes a student from being considered for a prize.
  • A student who has received promotion to the next standard need to enroll his/her name in the respective class within the prescribed time after paying the first quarterly fees and submitting the signed undertaking ensuring your willingness to abide by the rules and regulations of the school.
  • A student who does not enroll and turn up for class within ten working days after the beginning of the new academic session will be considered as left the school by his/her own decision.
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